Били ли сте лош шофьор за вашите клиенти?
Have you ever been a bad driver for your clients? In the world of design and creative minds it is hard sometimes to think about systems, processes, client interaction, but it is essential and it is part of the business.
Колко време е нужно за изработка на лого дизайн?
How long does it take to finish a logo project. Here, I answer common questions about the logo design process and why you should have one.
Как да създадем лендинг пейдж, който продава?
How to create an ideal landing page for any type of service, business, or product.
Работа от вкъщи ти дава 10х повече време със семейството.
Wok from home gives you 10x more time with your family, and that time is priceless.
Бъди като дечицата, котио искат да излязат навън и да опитат от всичко 👀
My super power as designer lies in my hobbies
Get out of your comfort zone
Public speaking is something that I really want to dive deep into